Probiotic Combination [14 strains]


The original multi-strain this probiotic product containing 14 strains of probiotics for everyday use.

This probiotic is a unique multispecies, multi-strain probiotic supplement with 14 strains of beneficial bacteria. This means that this probiotic can deliver high concentrations of beneficial bacteria to the colonisation sites in the gut- and therefore be able to help a more diverse range of digestive disorders.

The beneficial bacteria in this probiotic are cryoprotected during the freeze drying process, which gives two main benefits:

  • They are protected from the harsh acid environment of the stomach and are therefore able to colonise the full length of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The process allows this probiotic to be stored at room temperature without the need for refrigeration.

This probiotic can be used on a continuous basis or for a short period of time, e.g. when taking antibiotics.

Contains soya and milk, used in the fermentation process. Content of milk is at a level that would not affect lactose intolerant sufferers.

Dosage And Administration

  • Take 1-2 capsules once or twice daily with food. If taking two or more capsules daily, you may wish to split the dose between two meals
  • This probiotic is a completely safe probiotic, has no contraindications and carries no risk of overdose
  • This probiotic probiotic capsules can be swallowed whole or pulled apart and the contents sprinkled on to food, or mixed in a drink.

If you are taking antibiotics: Take 4 capsules daily, ideally at a different time of the day from the antibiotics
Continue taking for at least 2 weeks after completion of the antibiotic course.

For travellers:

  • 2 weeks before travel follow guidelines for general use
  • During travel take 4 capsules daily
  • Continue to take for at least 2 weeks following the end of travel.

Children under 12: Take 1/2 to 1 capsule once or twice daily with food. If you are taking any medications or have any medical conditions please consult your doctor before taking any food supplement.

Therapeutic Class


Storage Conditions

Keep sealed and store in cool, dry conditions.  Can be stored at room temperature without the need for refrigeration. In high, ambient temperatures (25°C+) air-conditioning or refrigeration would be cautionary to assist in maintaining shelf life. Total bacteria count viable until end of the shelf life.